Monday, March 2, 2009

Any Wonder We are Having a Freak March Storm??

These are pictures from some local weather cameras. Right now it is snowing heavily outside. Kids are off of school, so soon off to go have breakfast. In DC today a protest/civil disobedience is planned. For what? you ask....Global Warming. I find humor in this. To read more about the planned civil disobedience read here
Well, the kiddos are anxious to get out in the wintry white stuff, so I better go get dressed and stop laughing at those crazies who will be protesting global warming in the largest snow this season. I need to go throw snowball.


  1. Wow...have a great time in the snow! What fun!

  2. have a great time playing in the snow!

  3. It's funny, and yet I have read enough to actually believe in global warming ... of course, Mother Nature does have a sense of humor.

  4. Global warming doesn't mean the whole world will be warm all the time. It means that globally we are expereinceing more rapid and dangerous climactic shifts and instability. Your freak snow storm could well be part of that.
