Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My New Toys

This is my new washer
AND This is my new dryer.

My dryer finally went and died. I tried to fix it, to no avail. So I went out and bought myself a new washer and dryer. I will keep my old washer and keep it hooked up, just to have 2 washers (I do tons of clothes). I have been wanting to buy myself a new washer, since my present washer likes to keep lots of lint on the clothes, and since I line dry the clothes on good weather days, having little to no lint on clothes is kinda needed. This new little toy has a lint trap that can be removed and cleaned out. I'm so excited. The best part is that since I was willing to take the display models they took 10% off each and another 10% off the washer since it is energy star. So, a total of $186 off both. Hey, I'm all willing to take money off, even if I have to take the display model to do so. I can't wait till tomorrow when they will deliver them and I can wash and dry clothes in them. Right now I am stuck with hanging the clothes in the bathroom to dry (it's been raining now for about a week-can't dry them outside-bummer). They are made by Samsung-but who cares? I don't care who they are made by, as long as they work.
Yea, I get excited about the little things.
By the way-this is my 98th post-stay tuned for my 100th post-it's coming soon, and I have a surprise for you!!!


  1. Oh, those are so nice!! Enjoy your new toys! I would be excited too! I like doing laundry so this would be huge for me too!!!!

    Yay..100th post coming up! Can't wait to see what you post!

  2. I love new toys! When we get to move (soon) I will get to buy new ones too! Yay!

    An early congrats to you for your 100th post!

  3. I had similar models in my old life - you can fit absolutely anything in that washer.

  4. I am so jealous. We are almost on our last load over here...I so need new ones too. I will wash until the cows come home...because I am being cheap. I love those...the front loaders look so cool.

  5. so glad you got new ones you do do alot of laundry. Not as cute as my new toy Teehee

  6. Wow, the doors are see-through?!! That's so cool... do you have a cat?

  7. I've had my front loader for Years!! Love it!! cuts laundry time in half!!

  8. Congradulations, you probably need that big size with all those kiddies! Take care.
