Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rainy Day

Today has been one of those lazy rainy days. Haven't done much of anything, and now I have 4 whining kids home from school. Twin #1 is complaining that Son #1 stole her gum from the car, and twin #2 is whining that she has to read for homework, and Son #2 is complaining that he can't go outside to play. Put on top of all that, my throat is starting to feel sore, and my ear cranky house. Just can't wait for the real whining to start when twin #1 has to put the dishes up, son #1 take out the trash, twin #2 clean the table, and son #2 help mom with the laundry.....then the real drama will unfold. Today is really a day that I can't wait for bedtime to come fast enough.

Tomorrow will probably not be much better. I have to do some plumbing, so I can remove a bathroom sink (the turn off valve leaks when turned to the off position), remove the bathroom sink and toilet (so the tub can be removed), more laundry (never stops...2 loads a day regardless), take the girls to a church bonfire, take the boys out to dinner (since they can't go to the bonfire...girls only), go to the grocery store to buy marshmallows for the bonfire, try to get in touch with someone to help remove the tub (only weighs 300-400 lbs), so on and so on. Still need to put the pool up from the summer. I have it all down, and just need a little help folding it up to put it away. My list keeps on growing larger and larger by the minute, but so is life in a big family.


  1. where did you get that pic. I know it isnt near you?
    O them kids whining! miss that.
    It's good having a bog family they always have someone to whine with Teehee

  2. Momma-
    If you miss the kids whining, you can always come for a visit. I have a kitchen just waiting for The picture is from the web, it is of a tree in Colorado

  3. don't you hate rainy days? I love a good night time storm, but hate rainy days

    hope you see some sun soon

  4. I love rainy nights but not rainy days. Cool pics. I hope you feel better soon!

  5. Lori and Missy,
    Thanks for stopping by. I love rainy night too, especially listening to the rain on the rooftop.
