Sunday, February 7, 2010

More Snow Pictures

Just some pictures I took after the storm was finially over.

I can normally drive my riding mower under the branches of this tree in the summer.

Notice the fence, the snow is about 1 foot from the top.

Just thought that this was a pretty picture.  It's looking through some trees into my neighbor's yard at a small pond

Don't know if you can see it, but there is a fence back there somewhere.  It is behind the Maple Tree and infront of the Leland Cypress Trees.  Can you see it??  No, maybe because it is buried in snow...the 4 ft high fence is buried in a snow drift....a snow drift not much higher than the rest of the snow.


  1. I love these! I absolutely love snow and living in Texas doesn't allow me to see much of it.. Not sure I'd be able to handle this much though! It's beautiful!
